Discoveries On the bill

In the world of AI

Entrez dansle monde de l'IA à la MMI © Benoit Leturcq
Susie Waroude
By Virginie
Published on 23/01/2023

As the concept of the “metaverse” heralds the next great evolution of the Internet, the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot one! 

As early as 2001, Steven Spielberg grappled with the question in his film A.I. How about today? Are our fantasies so far removed from reality? Has reality already caught up with fiction? 
You can explore these questions at the Maison des Mathématiques et de l’Informatique (MMI), where a fun, interactive exhibition on the foundations of AI is being held. 

This informative exhibition demystifies the topic, while leaving room for play and free interpretation.

It is a perfect way to open up discussions.

Ages 12 and up. 

Until 17 of June 2023