Swimwear, a dip into recycled materials

This summer, go swimming with a clear conscience by opting for swimwear that ticks all the boxes: unique, ethical, responsible and local.
Swimming fashion is no longer going against the current. Like the rest of our wardrobes, swimwear now also meets the latest selection criteria. While style, materials and price used to be the priorities for consumers, they now also take into account factors like UV protection and recycling. Concerned about the environment and their health, many consumers favour sustainable materials when choosing their swimwear. It is not that easy to find them though, if you don’t know what you’re looking for. To throw some light on the matter, we turned to Marie Nguyen, co-founder of We Dress Fair, an ethical fashion platform based in Lyon: “It’s definitely possible to find swimwear made 100% with recycled materials. This is very common with men’s swimwear. For women, the maximum is 78%, in order to maintain a certain level of elasticity and stop swimsuits losing their shape.” In terms of materials, “favour recycled polyesters like SeaCell, a fabric made using seaweed, or Econyl, 100% recycled nylon made with waste removed from the seas.” There is also the second-hand option, but, let’s be honest, in terms of hygiene, it’s a bit more problematic than a pair of jeans. This is why it is good to turn to brands that have made the environment an integral part of their production process. This is the case of Pauline Sabattier, creator of Maline, and Marion Coquel, founder of Bayadji, which makes inclusive recycled polyester swimsuits at its factory in Saint-Laurent-de-Mûre. A swimsuit will set you back between €147 and 170. This is a significant amount, but it is justified by the quality and sustainability of the products.
We Dress Fair, Upholding ethical fashion
Designed and run by Marie Nguyen and Antoine Coulaud, We Dress Fair is an e-commerce platform and ethical fashion shop for women, men and children. To become a partner, brands are picked on the basis of a charter that guarantees the traceability and environmental responsibility of their clothing and accessories. The aim is to encourage consumers to change the way they consume. This couple, who have already opened one shop in Lyon, are currently working on the launch of an outlet in Paris.
We Dress Fair4 rue des Capucins, Lyon 1er
Nos adresses
A wave of engagement
Ecology and inclusiveness are part of the DNA of Pauline Sabattier, creator of the brand Maline, who launched it in 2020 after travelling around the globe. Her swimsuits range from size 34 to 50. They are designed with certified recycled materials and delivered with no unnecessary packaging, while offcuts of the materials are reused.
MalineEntre 65 et 105 €
19 rue René Leynaud, Passage Thiaffait, Lyon 1er
Something for the whole clan
Men, women and children… With the Swedish brand Dedicated, there is something for all tastes and all ages! You can go shopping for them as a family at Les Curieux, a Lyon-based cooperative that is leading the way in local ethical fashion.
Les Curieux39,95 €
18 rue Palais Grillet, Lyon 2e
Upcycling for gentlemen
Made using plastic waste collected from beaches and the Mediterranean sea, the swimming trunks by Apnée Swimwear combine comfort and quality. We love the fact that men have the choice between an elastic or straight cut.
Apnee Swimwear125 €
Cleaner washing
As its name suggests, the Guppyfriend cares about sea life. Created by Alexander Nolte and Oliver Spies, this washing bag is designed to retain microplastics during washing. This means that not only will it extend the useful life of your swimwear, by reducing friction, it will also prevent nasty waste from being released into nature.
Guppyfriend30 €
Chez Maline, 19 rue René Leynaud, Passage Thiaffait,Lyon 1er
A slice of Brazil in Lyon
In her pretty shop in Lyon’s 6th district, Tatiane de Freitas, a Brazilian who has made Lyon her home, offers one- and two-piece swimsuits with sophisticated textures, as well as beachwear, and sunny, stylish accessories. Everything in her shop is made with certified materials and produced in limited series.
Tatiane de FreitasA partir de 200 € l’ensemble
3 rue Bossuet, Lyon 6
Legendary brand
While the origins of the Lyonnais lingerie brand Maison Lejaby go back to 1884, it entered the beachwear segment only ten years ago. Today, it proudly points to suppliers and materials that are more than 85% made in Europe, including ‘Renew Cult’, a 100% recycled and recyclable fabric made with fishing nets, ‘Emana®’, a yarn made with bioactive minerals that stimulate blood circulation, and ‘Modal’, a plant-based textile.
Maison LejabyA partir de 70 € l’ensemble
1 rue des Quatre Chapeaux, Lyon 2e
A wanderer returns
Combining the best of Bangkok and Djibouti, Bayadji was created in April 2022 by Marion Coquel following a long journey through Asia. Her responsible and inclusive swimsuits are available on her e-commerce website and, from the 8th to the 11th of June, you will be able to find them at the showroom No Bad Day (Lyon 69002), alongside other equally engaged brands.
BayadjiA partir de 147 €
Vamos à la playa
The Barcelona-based brand Brava offers a range of vegan swimming shorts with colourful designs and peppy prints. You will also find dresses, shirts, trousers, T-shirts and more… All guaranteed to brighten up your mood!
Brava Fabrics79 €