Airt de Famille
Airt de Famille
Centre d'échange de Lyon Perrache - 69002 Lyon 2ème04 74 71 93 49 See more
Bleg is the name of a local artist whose star is rising! His signature? A thick, black, graphic line that weaves between calligraphy 2.0, deconstructed characters and mythological figures. Part abstract, part figurative.
By Yvo Deprelle
Trained as an architect and engineer, now a self-taught painter and muralist, 30-year-old Bleg
boasts a long list of partnerships: the 1664 beer brand, Maison Violet perfumery, murals for Les Convives art association or Kave Home furniture shop... And if you want to jazz up your home, he can even customise your living room walls!
“Yes, Au Vieux Campeur [Translator’s note: a shop specialising in outdoor sports and camping gear] has a book section! Their selection of hiking maps is incredible; they cover the whole of
France… Each time I go there, it gives me ideas for future mountain hikes, which is my other passion!”
“I really love the hand-picked range in this ethical clothes shop. I like their values, the human dimension, the environmental responsibility of their products… The idea is to buy less articles, but ones that last longer!”
WeDressFair“It’s the art supplies shop closest to my studio. It’s very well stocked and has loads of aisles and little corners; it’s like an Aladdin’s cave for artists! It’s a pretty interesting experience…”
Boesner“A little art gallery that opened in 2020 in the Presqu’île district. The Omart collective, of which I’m a member, uses it as an exhibition space. Whether it’s photography, painting or drawing, a new artist takes up residence here each month. The team there is also behind the amazing ‘AiRT de Famille’ festival!”
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